Blood Donation in Sweden
Thank you for considering becoming a blood donor in Sweden.
In order to donate blood in Sweden you need to be able to speak, read and understand Swedish. The reason for this is to ensure that there will be no misunderstandings from our or your side when going through your health declaration.
The exception is Stockholm, Uppsala and Gothenburg where it is possible to give blood in English, read more here.
Our first priority is safe blood and therefore we need to be able to understand each other perfectly.
You also need to have a Swedish personal identity number, an approved ID document and to be a healthy person between the ages of 18-60. In case you can´t check all of those boxes today, you are most welcome back when you can.
Sweden is self-sufficient in blood products, but new donors are always needed to maintain the balance. It is important to have people with different ethnical backgrounds as donors, in order to always being able to provide both the most common and the more unusual blood types.
Three per cent of the adult population in Sweden donate blood every year. There are more than 90 Blood Centres, most of them found at hospitals and run by the County Councils. Some Blood Centres have moved out of the hospitals, to city centres etc, in order to make donating blood more convenient. There are also blood buses, which operate in cities, country villages and also visit larger companies.